Ms. Mah - Grade 2 Homepage

Grade 2 Class Information

Dear Families,

Welcome to an exciting year in Grade 2! I'm thrilled to be part of your child's journey at Holy Family Catholic School. Our classroom is a hub of energy and interaction. We are fortunate that Karen Webb serves as our educational assistant.

In Grade 2, we cultivate not only academic excellence but also vital life skills. Your child will explore friendship, acceptance, and teamwork while building resilience, creativity, and problem-solving abilities. Our caring community encourages each student to express themselves confidently.

Reading plays a crucial role in your child's educational journey. Your child will bring home two reading books every day to enhance their reading skills during the evening hours. I advise students to select and bring home a pair of "good fit" books—ones in which they can comprehend the majority of the words (around 80%). Should they encounter a book that proves challenging, they are welcome to have it read to them by an adult. This approach ensures an optimal balance between independent reading and shared learning experiences. Reading is not just a homework assignment; it's a habit and skill that is fundamental for their overall development. We kindly request the return of these books the following morning, so that we can continue fostering a love for reading and learning in your child. Your support in this endeavor is greatly appreciated.

Stay connected with us! Your child will bring home a daily agenda containing weekly updates. I'll also send emails for monthly newsletters, important dates, assignments, and events. You can access additional resources and subject info on my website. Remember, communication is key. Reach out via the agenda, phone, or email anytime.

I'm excited to partner with you in your child's growth. Wishing your family a fantastic year ahead!

Ms. Mah & Mrs. Webb